Export Work Items to Word or PDF from Azure DevOps

2 min readJun 9, 2021

How any times you might have thought that write business requirements directly as user stories and export them as a business requirement document to circulate to business users?

Doing this will eliminate a lot of effort duplication and also forces team to keep documentation up to date in Azure DevOps. However, there is no easy out of the box way in Azure DevOps to achieve this. In the marketplace, the extension, Export Work Items as Document is an extension to achieve this with ease.

The extension offers several options for what you want to see in the exported document. Some of the features include

  1. Navigation
  2. Item numbering
  4. Acceptance Criteria
  5. Child Work Items
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Showing Type

The tool is quite easy to use, and in about three clicks you can generate a BRD or Release Notes or a Change set document from your work Items.

Normally you would need to create a query, so that only needed work items are exported. Queries themselves are powerful feature of Azure DevOps and helps in several ways including bulk updates and working on a large number of work items, and also to display work items in the hierarchy. Queries can be used to filter by release/builds which will help you in creating release notes using this extension.

If you are organizing your work under a feature or Epic, then you can export the hierarchy from there as well in three clicks.

This extension is available for both Azure DevOps and TFS for free. You have to install it first though…

Get the extension: Azure DevOps Marketplace

Originally published at https://invati.ai on June 9, 2021.




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